When the children of Israel came through the Red Sea, they immediately entered the wilderness. What they encountered and experienced there was intended to engender and mature their faith. Their hunger made them seek, their sicknesses made them pray, and their fears...
Shane Johnson
What is His Son’s Name?
“What is His name and what is His Son’s name, if thou canst tell?” Proverbs 30:4 Some proverbs solve riddles for us, while others present them. Proverbs 30:4 confronts us with an unsolvable riddle, unsolvable until the arrival of the first Christmas. Then like the...
What Every Joint Supplies
I recently suffered a sports injury that acutely drove home a spiritual truth to me. After tearing the anterior ligament on my right ankle, I learned, very painfully, the truth that we are all members of one body, and that each member has a vital role to play. In the...
My Journey From A Library to a Funeral Home
The Testimony of Shane Johnson My salvation story begins in a library and ends in a funeral home, although I now know it started much earlier than that. But from what I remember that day in the library was the first step that guided my feet to the gospel of God. I...
The Anatomy of A Conversion
The book of Daniel introduces us to a maniacal despot named Nebuchadnezzar who threatens to cut his opposers into pieces and burn their houses down. But by chapter four we find him declaring the praises of the Most High God. What happened in between? Phase One: Daniel Lives Out His Convictions When required to eat […]
Behold… Immanuel
“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 At a time when the empire of Assyria was bulldozing nations, Isaiah boldly proclaimed the coming of the victorious virgin-born child. Assyria was on the rise but so was […]