Christian Living

More Than a Spectator Sport

More Than a Spectator Sport

The stadium was packed, everyone was on their feet, the shouting in the stands drowning out the sound of an airline jet passing overhead. The fans were going crazy as the two teams battled in the last few minutes of the game. It was the Super Bowl and both teams were...

A Heavenly Perspective

A Heavenly Perspective

A suitable outline for Psalm 73 is:An outward look (vv.4-11)An inward look (vv.2-3,14-16)An upward look (vv.17-20)A forward look (vv.21-28) Doctrinally Asaph had sound theology as seen in his statement “truly God is good to Israel, to such as are pure in heart.” This...

Daniel, a man of Prayer

Daniel, a man of Prayer

Daniel was a remarkable man who possessed enormous ability and rose to a position of great importance. He had arrived in Babylon as a captive from his home city of Jerusalem and never returned. From that destitute position he became the administrator of the greatest...

Christ’s Imminent Return

Christ’s Imminent Return

A Glance at Current Events As we look at the world around us, many believers feel that the return of the Lord Jesus is near at hand. Only the Father knows the day of Christ’s return and we have no way of predicting when it may occur. We refer to the “imminent return”...

Malachi & Laodicea

Malachi & Laodicea

God’s People in the Age of Entitlement Just as history has termed the 17th century “The Age of Enlightenment,” the times of Malachi may accurately be called “The Age of Entitlement.” As if casting a shadow into the distant future, the attitudes rampant in Malachi’s...

Only One Life to Offer

Only One Life to Offer

There is a well-known Christian poem called “The Touch of the Master’s Hand,” also sometimes called “The Old Violin,” written by Myra Brooks Welch in 1921.  This poem describes the story of an old, unwanted violin that was about to be sold for a pittance as the...

Rising Above Our Circumstances

Rising Above Our Circumstances

Life!... Life is hard. Living life with the attitudes and ideologies of society is hard. And then there are the day-to-day events that seem to weigh us down and make us wonder if God is truly present in our daily struggles. You know what these weights can be:...

Father, Teach Us to Pray!

Father, Teach Us to Pray!

Our Father, we recognize before You that we need You to teach us to pray. We would like to excel as people who pray. Thank You for Your Scriptures that give us such rich motivating truths about prayer. Please grant that these divine realities would reach our hearts by...

Two Kinds of Doubt

Two Kinds of Doubt

The modern age is plagued by doubt. Moral relativism’s onset erodes certainty, leaving indecision about ultimate reality in its wake. Even in religious circles doubt is lauded as humble and high-minded.1 Yet the Bible teaches believers to take their doubts to the...