September 2024 Edition

An Undivided Heart

An Undivided Heart

“Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name. I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your name forevermore.” Psalms 86:11-12 When the Lord decided to replace Saul as king, He spoke to him...

Report: The Emmaus App

Report: The Emmaus App

A Brief History  In 1938, Ed Harlow, a young missionary in the Belgian Congo, felt a divine calling to establish a Bible school in North America. Shortly after, he left his mission station and traveled to Toronto, Canada, where, in 1941, he, along with John Smart and...

News & Notices

News & Notices

27th Annual Ladies Retreat September 27-29, 2024Camp Hope 7011 Pony Lake Rd Dahlonega, GA 30533 Come join them for a weekend of refreshment and encouragement in the Word. The speaker is Tammy Hollingsworth of Augusta, Ga. There will also be breakout sessions, craft...

Keeping Your Heart Close to God

Keeping Your Heart Close to God

God’s Holy Spirit now lives in your heartTo help you choose what is right.But with frequent temptations to sin,It’s often not God, but ourselves, we delight! In the Bible God gives us warnings,That our heart we should carefully guard.For it’s easy to make wrong...