Only One Life to Offer

June 13, 2023
Febin Johnson

There is a well-known Christian poem called “The Touch of the Master’s Hand,” also sometimes called “The Old Violin,” written by Myra Brooks Welch in 1921. 

This poem describes the story of an old, unwanted violin that was about to be sold for a pittance as the last item at an auction. Then the talented violinist steps out of the audience, takes the battered violin with his left hand, and wipes off the specks of dust. He then plays the instrument and demonstrates its beauty and true value. Listening to the mesmeric voice of the old violin, the audience hastened to bid on it, and it sells for $3,000 instead of a mere $3. The poem concludes by comparing this instrument, touched by the hand of a master musician, to the life of an ordinary person who is touched by the miraculous hand of the Creator God.

Like the old violin depicted in the poem, we too may have endured hardships that have caused us to feel damaged, wounded, and unvalued. But with the touch of Jesus, our ordinary lives can be transformed. Because He is the Master Creator. One simple touch of the Master is sufficient for our lives to be useful and effective in an extraordinary way.

The most important response from our side should be a willingness to hand over our ordinary lives to Him. He cannot use us if we are unwilling to give ourselves completely. Throughout the Scripture, we see that men and women used by God were humble enough to place themselves completely in the hands of God. Elisha was such a man. 

In 1 Kings 19, we see the call of Elisha. He was an ordinary farmer who was plowing the field with a pair of oxen. When the man of God Elijah threw his mantle on him, Elisha recognized the call of God and God’s need for him. He realized the fact that there was only one life to live and it should be lived for God alone. Without a second thought, he completely consecrated his life for the use of the Master. 

We read about him and his mighty ministry in the beginning chapters of 2 Kings. Elisha declared God’s word in Samaria, and people followed the one and only true God of Israel. He also performed many miracles, more than any other character in the Bible besides Jesus. He did many wonders among the people to show how God can use a life if made available and freely given into His hands. He had a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. One of Elisha’s most well-known miracles was the healing of Naaman, a Syrian general, who suffered from leprosy. Elisha told Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan River, and when he did he was healed.

Elisha also prophesied about political events, such as the military victories of Israel over its enemies, and he provided guidance and counsel to the kings of Israel and Judah. Elisha’s ministry was a continuation of Elijah’s work to confront idolatry and to call the people of Israel back to God.

His ministry was significant because he continued the prophetic tradition in Israel after Elijah was taken up into heaven. His mighty miracles and prophetic words demonstrated the power of God and affirmed the importance of faithfulness to God. His ministry was also significant because he was a mentor to other prophets and played an important role in shaping the prophetic tradition in Israel. His ministry reached out to all classes of people, poor and rich, nobles and peasants, Jews and foreigners. One single life was placed in the hands of the Master who took it in His right hand and used it to transform lives.

D. L. Moody was an ordinary man who was a poorly educated shoe salesman. Moody was deeply moved by the words he heard from a preacher: “The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.” He sought to completely dedicate himself to Christ and for His service. This ordinary man, Moody, was used by God to do extraordinary things and became one of the most renowned evangelists of modern times.

While God is all-powerful and can accomplish anything He desires, He has chosen to work through His people to fulfill His purposes in the world. He calls us to be His hands and feet, to share His love and grace with others, and to work toward justice and righteousness in the world. When we respond to God’s call and allow Him to use us, we become a part of His plan to bring about redemption and restoration in the world. God can use us in many different ways to accomplish His purposes in the world. Here are a few ways that God can use us:

1. Sharing the Gospel: God can use us to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others, whether it’s through evangelism, preaching, distributing tracts, or simply living out our faith in our daily lives.

2. Serving others: God can use us to serve others in practical ways, such as feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, or helping those in need.

3. Using our talents: God has given each of us unique talents and abilities, and He can use these talents to further His kingdom. Whether it is through music, art, writing, or some other creative endeavor, we can use our talents to glorify God and bless others.

4. Praying for others: God can use us to pray for others, whether it is for their salvation, healing, guidance, or spiritual growth. 

5. Encouraging others: We live in a world of discourage-ments. God can use us to inspire and encourage others by His love and grace in the world. By encouraging and influencing those around us, we can help others come to know God and experience His love.

Overall, God can use us in countless ways to accomplish His purposes in the world. The key is to be open and willing to be used by Him and to be obedient to His leading and guidance in our lives. Our life is precious to the Master. When we give ourselves completely to Him, He will take us into His hands and will use us mightily to touch and transform people around us. In His grace, He has chosen to work through us and to involve us in His wonderful work to bring glory to His name.

by Febin Johnson