September 2018 Edition

Starting Well, Finishing Well

Starting Well, Finishing Well

“And behold I am coming quickly, and my reward is with Me to give to every one according to his work.” Revelations 20:11 I remember as a young boy, the thrill I had every September as I looked forward to the approaching school year. It was not that I despised the summer, it was my […]

Christ Our Forerunner

Christ Our Forerunner

C.H. Macintosh said “There are two grand facts which characterize Christianity, and mark it off from all that had gone before; and these are, first, man glorified in heaven; and secondly, God dwelling in man on the earth.” One result of Christ Glorified is the truth of the forerunner, a word found only once in […]

Choice Gleanings’ Enduring Appeal

Choice Gleanings’ Enduring Appeal

Choice Gleanings will enter its 79th year when it brings out its 2019 edition this fall. Inspired by his parents’ calendar from the Netherlands, William Pell’s desire to produce a daily devotional calendar was initially met with skepticism and discouragement. But he went ahead with it anyways and launched “Remembrancer” 1 in 1940 with an […]

In The School of God

In The School of God

Every phase of life is a new beginning and a learning step in God’s School. These include our school days, our career, and choosing a life partner. The last phase is death. As we begin our physical lives as a baby, we also begin our spiritual lives as babes the day we accept Christ as […]

Daniel’s Story

Daniel’s Story

The declaration, “Your son won’t live through the night” stung like an arrow piercing our very souls. I had a healthy pregnancy – or so I thought. No one detected a heart murmur and definitely not a fatal one. How could this be? As Jay and I listened to the Emergency Room doctor’s excruciatingly painful […]

Bringing Faith & Science Together

Bringing Faith & Science Together

As a scientist and convinced Christian, I frequently encounter people who presuppose that everything can be explained by natural causes. This naturalistic view is especially common among my scientific colleagues. From this a whole set of conclusions follow, which are often assumed without checking the evidence. So, the objectivity which many scientists claim is not […]