Report: Walk Worthy Weekend, Leesburg, Florida

July 4, 2017
Sarah Dunlap

The Walk Worthy Weekend is a three-day retreat with in-depth Bible teaching for serious young adults. This retreat is held every fall at Camp Horizon for young people from throughout Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. This retreat features excellent Bible teachers tackling some very relevant and difficult topics. In recent years capable speakers such as Dr. Steve Price, Nate Bramson, and Dr. Ben Scripture, among others have ministered the Word of God. This weekend began seven years ago as a one-day event on a farm in Land O’ Lakes, Florida but for the last five years, it has been held at Camp Horizon in Leesburg, Florida.

On the weekend of October 29-31, 2016, Christian teens and young adults united at Camp Horizon in Leesburg, Florida, for the seventh annual Florida Youth Retreat, which features a weekend of invigorating Bible teaching and warm Christian fellowship. The year’s attendance numbers peaked around one hundred and forty young people and adults combined. Many of those in attendance came from local assemblies in Florida; however, several attendees proudly represented assemblies from across the United States, in states such as South Carolina and as far west as Kansas. Bible teacher Rob Sullivan, of Yonkers, New York, brought a series of powerful, relevant messages on the theme of “Angels and Demons, and the Christian Life.” Throughout the course of his sessions, Mr. Sullivan discussed topics such as how and why angels were created, their function in relation to the Church and believers, the differences between angels and fallen angels, and the trend of personalizing angels that has arisen in secular society over the recent few decades. Following the first session on Saturday morning, the teens and young adults participated in a creative scavenger hunt, which involved teams, cameras, and Bible charades. On Saturday afternoon, two Q&A seminars were held in addition to Mr. Sullivan’s regular messages. In the first seminar, Mr. Sullivan answered the young people’s questions on angels and demons; while in the other, David Dunlap answered questions related to Satan and his challenge to the Christian walk. Besides Mr. Sullivan’s teaching, the conference attendees enjoyed afternoon free time, during which they could mingle with one another and relax, and later, they played a group game of dodgeball, a camp favorite. On Saturday evening in Camp Horizon’s spacious dining hall, the young people competed in several exciting rounds of Bible trivia, while snacking on custom-made ice cream sundaes, popcorn, brownies, and a variety of cookies. Like its previous years, the seventh annual Florida Youth Retreat was a time of growth, fellowship, and fun for all.

Next year, the Walk Worthy Weekend 2017 will be held on October 20, 21, 22 at Camp Horizon in Leesburg, Florida. Our speaker at that conference will be Dr. Jeff Johnson, from Reidsville, NC speaking on the theme of “We Are Living Stones.” For more information, please visit the Walk Worthy Weekend website: