The Best Gift of All

December 16, 2024
Karen Sparks

The very best gift you can ever receive
Isn’t wrapped in bright paper, tucked under a tree.
It’s not jewelry, electronics, or some other treasure;
It’s a gift with a price that’s too great to measure.

Who is it that offers this gift of such cost?
It comes from the One who loves us the most—
Who desires that we join Him in heaven someday,
And who willingly gave to provide us the way.

What was this invaluable gift that God gave—
That from penalty of sin, we each can be saved?
This most special gift was His own perfect Son—
Who came to be punished for wrong we have done.

When did God give us this gift for all men?
It’s when Jesus was born—and when He died for our sin.
After torture and death, in a grave He was laid;
But He rose from the dead—showing power to save!

Without the gift of God’s Son, we can’t enter heaven;
But He died in our place, so we can be forgiven.
Our efforts won’t help—sin’s debt we can’t pay;
It’s only through Jesus—there’s no other way.

God surely has given us the best gift of all—
It’s available to any who on Jesus will call.
God offers it freely to those who believe;
Will you turn from your sin and the best gift receive?