“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
2 Timothy 2:2
In Washington DC, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, there is an elaborate ceremony that takes place at appointed times each day. It is the changing of the guard, and it is truly something to behold.
On a family visit to our nation’s Capital one year, we were part of the crowd that witnessed this event. Standing with a host of others, we were in awe as we observed this amazing spectacle. It was accomplished with such precision and such dignity that it became indelibly etched in our memories and has not been forgotten. “Poetry in motion” might be another way to describe it.
Every time there is a changing of the guard, even in the spiritual realm, it should also be done with the same grace and dignity. We belong to the greatest of Masters, whose we are and whom we serve (Acts 27:23). Therefore, it behooves us to order our steps in a way that honors the government of heaven and the One who rules over it. Psalms 37:23 states: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way.”
Whether it is regarding the work of the oversight, or any other leadership position, any changing of the “guard” needs to be done with the utmost of care and concern to honor our Leader and to show regard for those who are looking on. In the sports world, it is passing the baton; in the avian world, it is rotating to the next bird in flight, that which replaces the previous one to take on the responsibility of leading the others.
Back in 2016, five brethren met to discuss the possibility of establishing what is now known as Cornerstone Magazine. The intention was to produce a bi-monthly periodical to build up the Lord’s people through sound biblically based articles to encourage and strengthen New Testament assemblies. It has been my privilege to serve as its first president and subsequently editor over these past six years.
With that said, it is now time to step aside and allow another person to take on this position and to experience the blessing of serving God’s people. I am excited to introduce brother George Ferrier, one of the founding members of Cornerstone Magazine, with the board inviting him to step into this position with grace and dignity as the new editor of the magazine. George has proven his capable leadership time and again through his diligent efforts writing the regular column Issues and Answers as well as overseeing the News and Notices section of the magazine. It has been a joy to have served beside him all these years.
I am not going anywhere and will continue to assist wherever needed in the production of this fine magazine. As a founding member of Cornerstone Magazine, I look forward to continuing to serve on the committee and contributing articles on a regular basis. As Paul said to the Ephesian elders in a (somewhat) similar situation, I would echo his words: “I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified” (Acts 20:32). Blessings to you George as you embark on this new ministry venture with this first issue of 2024.
Editorial Note: The Cornerstone Magazine Board would like to thank brother Mark for his dedication to the Lord, in putting this magazine together issue by issue, continuing the fine work of David Dunlap, our first editor. Truly, he has carried out this task with grace and dignity. I met Mark at Galilee Bible Camp, in Ontario, Canada about a dozen years ago. This developed into a friendship which over the years has developed into serving together. In 2016, when Brian Gunning approached me about participating on an exploratory committee to possibly found a new magazine, I was thrilled to learn Mark would also be joining us on this journey. He is truly a beloved brother, fellow soldier, and fellow servant in the Lord (Phil. 2:25; Col. 4:7). We are grateful that Mark will continue to actively serve on the board oversight and assist wherever needed. An excellent writer, Mark will continue to be integral to helping the magazine fulfill its goal of exalting Christ, equipping believers, and evangelizing the world.
Blessings dear brother…George Ferrier