by Karen Sparks
What if Christ had not risen?
What if He still lay in the tomb?
What if that great, heavy stone
Still sealed that cold, dark room?
Then faith in Christ would be worthless;
Our sins could not be forgiven.
Separated from God forever—
We’d have no hope of heaven.
But our Savior indeed has risen!
He’s come back alive from the dead!
He’s conquered both death and hell,
Providing access to heaven instead!
So our faith is not without value—
Christ can forgive all our sin!
When we repent and trust Him as Savior,
Our heart is completely cleansed!
And God’s power that raised up Jesus,
Towards believers is equally strong.
There’s no prayer our God cannot answer—
To an all-powerful God we belong!
As we learn to rely more on God’s power,
In Him we more fully can rest.
For He can do more than we can imagine.
Through our risen Lord, we truly are blessed!