CMML Youth Night November 11, 2022Maplewood Bible Chapel 127 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040 CMML will hold their annual Youth Night at Maplewood Bible Chapel on November 11, 2022. The speaker this year will be Dr. Steve Price. The in-person event will also be...
News and Notices
Jersey Shore Weekend in the Word September 9-11, 2022Harvey Cedars Bible ConferenceHarvey Cedars, NJ Speaker: Keith Keyser (Birdsboro, PA) This Know the Word conference is designed for everyone in mind—singles, couples, families, and seniors with various types of...
Great is They Faithfulness
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father,There is no shadow of turning with Thee;Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail notAs Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.“Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!”Morning by morning new mercies I...
News and Notices
Skyland Bible Conference July 2-8, 2022Bluefield College 3000 College Drive Bluefield, VA 24605 The 66th annual Skyland Bible Conference will be held at Bluefield College in Bluefield, VA. The conference is known for its in-depth Bible teaching, friendly fellowship,...
Cornerstone Magazine 2021 Financial Report
Gifts Received Individuals $31,502Assemblies $7,668Foundations & organizations $16,350 Total Gifts Received $55,520 Expenses Printing $23,211Layout and Design $1,311Postage and Shipping $15,353Website $2,964Honorarium for Panelists, Speakers, etc $2,610Bank &...
Open My Eyes
God open my eyes that I may seeAnd feel Your presence close to me….Give me strength for my stumbling feetAs I battle the crowd on life’s busy street,And widen the vision, of my unseeing eyesSo in passing faces I’ll recognizeNot just a stranger, unloved and unknown,But...
News and Notices
77th Annual Bible Conference May 7-8, 2022 Lake Park Chapel, 201 Schlief Drive, Belle Chasse, LA 70037 Come join them for a spiritually refreshing weekend in God’s Word from May 7-8, 2022. The meetings will begin on Saturday May 7 at 3:30 p.m. Bob Brown from Slidell,...
My Daily Meeting
I’m here to meet with You, Lord—To read my Bible and pray.Open my heart to receiveAll that You want to say.As I seek just now to focusUpon each verse—each phrase,Open my eyes to see clearly.Reveal to me Your ways.I need Your Holy SpiritTo guide me as I learn.Open my...
News and Notices
Men’s Standfast Conference Saturday March 12, 2022 Know the Word Ministries will be hosting their annual Standfast Conference for Men Lord willing, on Saturday March 12, 2022. It will be held at Woodside Chapel in Fanwood, NJ from 9:30am - 12:30pm, with a lunch meal...
A Very Present Help
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”Psalm 46:1 He’s helping me now—this moment, Though I may not see it or hear,Perhaps by a friend far distant,Perhaps by a stranger near,Perhaps by a spoken message,Perhaps by the printed word,In ways that...