November 2022 Edition

Is Prophecy Important?

Is Prophecy Important?

It is not uncommon in our day to hear people say that prophecy is not important. They insist that we ought to focus on more important matters like evangelism or discipleship and not waste precious time on secondary matters like prophecy. While I empathize with their...

Two Kinds of Doubt

Two Kinds of Doubt

The modern age is plagued by doubt. Moral relativism’s onset erodes certainty, leaving indecision about ultimate reality in its wake. Even in religious circles doubt is lauded as humble and high-minded.1 Yet the Bible teaches believers to take their doubts to the...

A Word Fitly Spoken

A Word Fitly Spoken

All too often men, young as well as old, get up to read long passages from the Word with a comment here and there but lacking any central thought. Others string together reference after reference while we turn the pages of our Bibles to keep up with the reader, making...

Lord of the Locusts

Lord of the Locusts

The people of Israel were reeling. A tsunami of locusts had swept through the nation and ravished the land from one end to the other. In the wake of this devastation, the prophet Joel has been assigned the unenvious task of letting his wayward countrymen know why it...

News and Notices

News and Notices

CMML Youth Night November 11, 2022Maplewood Bible Chapel 127 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040 CMML will hold their annual Youth Night at Maplewood Bible Chapel on November 11, 2022. The speaker this year will be Dr. Steve Price. The in-person event will also be...

Give Me This Mountain

Give Me This Mountain

How easily tempted and subtly lured, To pray for mountains to move,  When oft, the stark reality is, Tis you, not the mountain He moves. The climb may be steep and the threats may loom large, Yet with Caleb we boldly will pray,  “Give me this mountain, if...