“Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your servant; and whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave—” (Matthew 20:26-27NKJV). What is true greatness? In the kingdom of this world, the great man is the one who has risen to a place of wealth and power. He has a […]
David Dunlap
Examination: The Shack Movie
In 2007, the novel The Shack1 took the Christian community by storm. At that time, this self-published work sold well over one million copies in a single year. The Shack stood at the number one position for paperback fiction on the New York Times’ bestsellers list for a number of months. Many Christian leaders have […]
Report: Country Bible Church
Country Bible Church is located in northeastern Wisconsin, between Casco and Luxemburg, about 20 miles east of Green Bay at the southern terminus of the Door Peninsula. Much of the populace of this area consists of descendants of the original immigrants from Belgium, Ireland, Germany, and Czechoslovakia—meaning that the Roman Catholic and Lutheran religions are […]
Fullness of the Holy Spirit
The year of 1871 was a critical one for D. L. Moody. He had been greatly used of God, but felt that something was lacking. He realized more and more how little he was fitted with personal talents for his work and how much he needed the Holy Spirit’s power. He continued to hunger for […]
Declare the Whole Counsel of God
The Bible is God’s life-transforming message for the church; therefore, we are exhorted to declare “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). We read early in the book of Acts that the believers, “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42). Paul counsels Timothy, “Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:2). The Word of God taught in the power of the Holy Spirit is an indispensable discipline for the local church.
Heroes of the Faith: Brothers Beloved – Berlin M. Nottage
“You are good boys for living, but not yet for dying!” This is the way Clementina Nottage reminded three of her boys that they needed to be saved. They were nominal church members, and attended Sunday services, but they had not yet received the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Clementina was the mother of […]
Report: Bethany Christian Fellowship, Indianapolis, IN
Our Lord commanded his disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” Later the apostle Paul was given an equally important instruction—to establish New Testament assemblies wherever he would go (Eph. 3:9). Nearly one hundred years ago, a group of believers in Indianapolis, Indiana, took this instruction as their own commission. In 1915, […]
Report: The 78th National Workers & Elders Conference
In 1938, at the suggestion of T. B. Gilbert, 25 full-time workers and elders gathered in St. Louis, MO, for a time of prayer, teaching from the Word of God, and discussion of doctrinal and practical issues concerning New Testament assemblies. Since then, year by year, workers and elders have continued to meet together for […]
Editorial: Introducing Cornerstone Magazine
“To you who believe, this Stone is precious.” – 1 Peter 2:7 You hold in your hand the inaugural issue of Cornerstone Magazine. It is our desire that this issue will be the first of many which will follow. As the Cornerstone in the temple served to unite the whole building together, we pray that Cornerstone Magazine might […]