George T. Ferrier

The Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation

“For he that is dead is freed from sin.” (Rom. 6:7) The Emancipation Proclamation, issued on January 1, 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln, declared all slaves in the Southern Confederacy to be free.1 However it was dependent upon the North winning the on-going Civil War. In Romans 6:7 we have the believer’s Emancipation Proclamation grounded […]

What does the Bible say about pastors?

What does the Bible say about pastors?

Three biblical words are used in the New Testament to identify men overseeing the spiritual matters of the local church. Though each word describes the same role, they individually highlight specific features of their responsibility. The first word is “elder” (presbuteros), literally meaning an older man1, underlining his competence (Acts 14:23; 20:17; 1 Tim. 5:17; […]

Foundations of the Faith: Stirring Up Our Spiritual Gifts: Part 2

Foundations of the Faith: Stirring Up Our Spiritual Gifts: Part 2

Speaking Gifts In the last issue we considered the temporary sign or foundational gifts. Let us now consider the speaking gifts beginning with prophecy (Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 12:10, 28; Eph. 4:11). In the early church some received direct revelation through the Spirit and conveyed it to other believers (Acts 11:27-28; 21:11). On some of […]

What is Propitiation?

What is Propitiation?

The word “propitiation” is not commonly used today but it typically referred to people propitiating or trying to appease their false gods1. However, in Scripture it means satisfying the penalty of God’s law through the holy Christ, so that now justice having been served, God can be propitious or favorable towards the believing sinner. Its […]

Report: Cornerstone Magazine Conference “So Great A Salvation”

Report: Cornerstone Magazine Conference “So Great A Salvation”

Cornerstone Magazine convened their first ever conference on a warm Saturday March 30th day at Woodside Chapel in Fanwood, New Jersey. An estimated 110 attendees from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Canada took in the conference whose theme was “So Great Salvation: God’s Sovereignty and Human Responsibility.” The speakers were David Dunlap […]

Doubtful Things (Part 2)

Doubtful Things (Part 2)

In part one,1 we looked at two key principles (Rom. 14:1-12) for dealing with inconsequential things,2 recognizing that believers may hold differing opinions on these non-essentials. A third principle exhorts mature Christians to recognize their responsibility for weaker believers (Rom. 14:13-17). The strong should clear the immature’s path, not stumble them (v. 13), they should […]

Doubtful Things (Part 1)

Doubtful Things (Part 1)

Throughout church history believers have asked, “should a Christian partake in this or that activity?” These questions concern gray areas, choices that believers make in their personal lives that Scripture does not call sin or specifically mention. In Romans 14 Paul compares a believer who was weak in the faith with one who was mature. […]