If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you say to your family? I am sure you would use the time to say important things. You might prepare them for life without you, warning them of the dangers ahead, and assuring them of your love. When my wife Susan...
Ian Taylor
More Than a Spectator Sport
The stadium was packed, everyone was on their feet, the shouting in the stands drowning out the sound of an airline jet passing overhead. The fans were going crazy as the two teams battled in the last few minutes of the game. It was the Super Bowl and both teams were...
Spending Time With The Lord
Having a close friend is priceless. It is even better when there is a friendly family where you can rest, relax, and enjoy times of laughter, or counsel together about the problems and difficulties that always seem to come into our lives. The Lord Jesus had such a...
Rising Above Our Circumstances
Life!... Life is hard. Living life with the attitudes and ideologies of society is hard. And then there are the day-to-day events that seem to weigh us down and make us wonder if God is truly present in our daily struggles. You know what these weights can be:...
Elders and Their Children
An elder serving a particular group of believers, according to God’s design, is a person with much responsibility. However, he also has been given much responsibility as the head of his own household. Both tasks can become burdensome, and if not balanced properly may...