Mankind’s history is the tale of two men: the first Adam and the last Adam. The former linked humanity with sin, condemnation, and death. The latter links them with righteousness, purity, and immortality (Rom. 5:12-21; 1 Cor. 15:46-57). This second man was not merely...
Keith Keyser
Ressurection Assurances
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is Christianity’s essential doctrine, establishing and elucidating the rest of the Bible’s teaching regarding God, man, salvation, and the future. 1 Its indispensable value is noted by a Scottish teacher: “Far too often we have been...
The Gospel-Produced Church
The Bible has been compared to Christ’s seamless garment, which cannot be divided without ruining the whole. God’s truth is unified: truths that are first revealed in the Gospel message are then developed in the principles and practices of the Church. She is “the...
Two Kinds of Doubt
The modern age is plagued by doubt. Moral relativism’s onset erodes certainty, leaving indecision about ultimate reality in its wake. Even in religious circles doubt is lauded as humble and high-minded.1 Yet the Bible teaches believers to take their doubts to the...
The Church as a Fortress
When Naomi and I were engaged to be married, a brother in Christ offered us this advice: “The world will work relentlessly to separate you.” This warning alerted my wife and me to our need for constant maintenance of our relationship. Since the Scriptures use marriage...
God’s Justice & Providence
People intuitively demand justice. Unfairness and unrighteousness move them to indignation. If their rights are trampled on, they revert to the revolutionary-era motto: “Don’t tread on me.” Perceived wrongs produce anger and lasting bitterness, often leading to...
Thy Word is Truth: The Authority of God’s Word in an Anti-Authoritarian Age
“Question authority” was the self-defining cry of the baby boomer generation. A half century on from the adoption of that credo, their children and grandchildren see no need to question it, for they believe that authority resides in themselves. In an age where truth...
Foundations of the Faith
The Christian’s Security and Assurance in Christ That “Salvation is of the Lord” is a good thing, for if man had any part in it, it would be inherently unstable (John 2:9). If being saved were a cooperative effort between humans and God, then our moral frailty would engender eternal insecurity within us. Thankfully, well-known […]
Where Is Our Focus?
The ancient Greek maxim “Know thyself” is elevated to unprecedented heights in this narcissistic age. Numerous social media platforms aid fallen human beings’ self-absorption by advertising their vain self-worth. Sin turns them inward, exalting them to heights...
Homecall: David Gooding
David Gooding (September 16, 1925 – August 30, 2019) ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.” Rev. 14:13 My Personal Recollection of Dr. David Gooding I first had the privilege of hearing brother David Gooding’s ministry at the 1990 […]