Richard Strout

ancestry.brethren: Part 1

ancestry.brethren: Part 1

In its maturing development, the “Brethren Movement,” with which many of our readers identify, was Biblicist and dispensational in its theology. It took its cue from the Scriptures itself, as opposed to Calvinism or other such man-made systems. Its driving force was...

Worship in Spirit & Truth

Worship in Spirit & Truth

John 14:19-26 In this passage we find our Lord instructing us concerning worship, “the Christian’s highest occupation,” to borrow a definition from the title of A. P. Gibb’s classic work on the subject.1Given the fact that we gather for worship each Lord’s Day...

A Word Fitly Spoken

A Word Fitly Spoken

All too often men, young as well as old, get up to read long passages from the Word with a comment here and there but lacking any central thought. Others string together reference after reference while we turn the pages of our Bibles to keep up with the reader, making...

Safe Am I

Safe Am I

Many of our readers will remember the old Sunday School chorus suggested by the title of this article. Copyrighted 1938, its words and melody are deeply imbedded in our collective memories. Safe am I, safe am I, in the hollow of His hand.Sheltered o’er, sheltered o’er...

A Plea to Return

A Plea to Return

A Plea to Return to New Testament Principles Romanticism, characterized by its emphasis on the glorification of the past, was at its peak in the first half of the nineteenth century. Not surprisingly, its influence was at work in the ecclesiastical world of...