In Scripture, the term “redemption” has a very broad application. It is used for the process of buying back the personal property of inheritance and of persons (Lev. 25:51-52; Ruth 4), the ransom of a man’s soul (Ps. 49:8), salvation, justification, and forgiveness of...
Sam Thorpe
Christ Rejected
In the book of Hosea and the Gospel of John the love of God was manifested in the face of rejection by His own people. The prophet Hosea, as directed by the voice of God, uses an analogy of unfaithfulness in a marriage relationship – literally between Hosea and an...
Reception into Local Assembly Fellowship
The universal body of Christ provides immediate “membership” to believers in Christ (Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12-13; Eph. 4:3-4). This world-wide universal body of Christ is composed of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. The local church assembly needs not to offer...
The Blessing of Contentment
Contentment was a mindset that directed the early days of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, quoted originally from Amy Carmichael’s poem entitled “In Acceptance Lieth Peace.” This is truly a discipline of the mind that blesses the heart and soul with peace in whatever situation is faced. Paul speaks of this in Philippians 4 and 1 […]
Will The Real Missionary Please Stand Up?
At the start of a regional Missionary Study Class, I asked for all missionaries present to show their hands. There were a few who did. I chose to begin with this exercise to set the stage for re-defining the term “missionary” from a biblical perspective. What is a...