Issues and Answers

Is it right for a Christian to be cremated?

Is it right for a Christian to be cremated?

From biblical times until the middle of the 19th century, believers were typically buried after death. It was not until 1876 that the first American crematory was built in Washington, Pennsylvania1 and 1901 that the first Canadian crematorium was built in Montreal, Quebec.2 Today believers’ opinions vary. Those that choose cremation often cite the high […]

What does the Bible say about fasting?

How do you reconcile the passage in James 2:14-26 with the clear scriptural teaching that we are saved by grace through faith alone?

While at first glance it may appear otherwise, this passage is actually a perfect complement to Paul’s teaching in Romans. Paul argued against those who thought the “works of the law” could save (Rom. 9:32) while James contended that a living faith should express itself through “works of faith.” Speaking of James and Paul, William […]