Issues and Answers

Is it important that I cannot remember when I became a Christian?

Why did the Lord’s judgment on King Coniah not affect Christ’s title to the throne of David?

Jeremiah 22:24-30 In what some have referred to as “Coniah’s Curse”, the Lord revealed through the prophet Jeremiah that none of Coniah’s descendants would sit on David’s throne. Early in their history, the Lord had warned Israel about turning from Him to idolatry. After Solomon’s reign the Lord split the kingdom in two, the 10 […]

Is it important that I cannot remember when I became a Christian?

What does the Bible say about pastors?

Three biblical words are used in the New Testament to identify men overseeing the spiritual matters of the local church. Though each word describes the same role, they individually highlight specific features of their responsibility. The first word is “elder” (presbuteros), literally meaning an older man1, underlining his competence (Acts 14:23; 20:17; 1 Tim. 5:17; […]

Did God make a New Covenant with the Church and a second one with Israel? (Part 1)

What is Propitiation?

The word “propitiation” is not commonly used today but it typically referred to people propitiating or trying to appease their false gods1. However, in Scripture it means satisfying the penalty of God’s law through the holy Christ, so that now justice having been served, God can be propitious or favorable towards the believing sinner. Its […]

Is it important that I cannot remember when I became a Christian?

Doubtful Things (Part 2)

In part one,1 we looked at two key principles (Rom. 14:1-12) for dealing with inconsequential things,2 recognizing that believers may hold differing opinions on these non-essentials. A third principle exhorts mature Christians to recognize their responsibility for weaker believers (Rom. 14:13-17). The strong should clear the immature’s path, not stumble them (v. 13), they should […]

Is it important that I cannot remember when I became a Christian?

Doubtful Things (Part 1)

Throughout church history believers have asked, “should a Christian partake in this or that activity?” These questions concern gray areas, choices that believers make in their personal lives that Scripture does not call sin or specifically mention. In Romans 14 Paul compares a believer who was weak in the faith with one who was mature. […]

What is the difference between the rapture and the second coming?

Is it right for a Christian to be cremated?

From biblical times until the middle of the 19th century, believers were typically buried after death. It was not until 1876 that the first American crematory was built in Washington, Pennsylvania1 and 1901 that the first Canadian crematorium was built in Montreal, Quebec.2 Today believers’ opinions vary. Those that choose cremation often cite the high […]