
Bringing Faith & Science Together

Bringing Faith & Science Together

As a scientist and convinced Christian, I frequently encounter people who presuppose that everything can be explained by natural causes. This naturalistic view is especially common among my scientific colleagues. From this a whole set of conclusions follow, which are often assumed without checking the evidence. So, the objectivity which many scientists claim is not […]

Shepherd Leadership in the Church

Shepherd Leadership in the Church

Teaching, preaching, writing, and articulating the need for more serious shepherding work in the assemblies are not common in our time. Practical pastoral theology, relating theology to ministry is seldom discussed even among church leaders. However, postmodern times challenge us with the urgent need for a profound commitment to the biblical mandate of pastoral (shepherding) […]

The Ministry of Song Leading

The Ministry of Song Leading

As Richard walked into the chapel on a snowy Sunday morning, he was reminded by a brother that he was scheduled to lead the singing. “I completely forgot!” he said. He quickly sat down and thumbed through the hymnal to find a few of his favorite songs. The piano player sat down at 11:03 and […]

Seven Brides in the Scriptures

Seven Brides in the Scriptures

“…And they two [husband and wife] shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” Eph. 5:31-32 Each of these seven bride unions have something unique to their relationship, not shared by the others. Considering only these main differences, the composite of these special features gives a […]

Loves Thou Thee More Than These?

Loves Thou Thee More Than These?

If one was to ask the question “what the greatest need in the church is today?”, a considerable list of items could be proposed, all of which would have some merit. However, above all, the greatest need in the church today is the restoration of our love for Christ. Let’s consider therefore how our love […]

The Certainty of His Coming

The Certainty of His Coming

“Things surely believed among us…” Acts 1:1 I am reminded of the old lady, who before retiring at night would look heavenward and say, “Perhaps tonight Lord?” In the morning, she would again look up and say, “Perhaps today Lord?” She lived with anticipation, expectation, and certainty of the imminent return of her Saviour. Is […]

Double-Knotted Security

Double-Knotted Security

Sometimes runners will double-knot their laces. Doing so gives them confidence that their shoes will be secured to the end of the race. The Greek word ou mē (G3364) is a composite of two negative words: ou (G3756) meaning not, and mē (G3361) also meaning not. This compounded word significantly drives home the negative meaning, […]

The Miracle of Regeneration

The Miracle of Regeneration

What takes place the moment we believe in the Lord Jesus? We know that something life-changing occurred, but what really happened? 1. We were born again (Jn. 3:5-6; I Pet. 1:23) At the moment of believing, God imparted to us divine life. In the Bible, this is called “regeneration” “He saved us, not on the […]

Habakkuk: Part 1 Beware of Tunnel Vision

Habakkuk: Part 1 Beware of Tunnel Vision

In this first of a three part series, Warren Henderson takes us through the personal struggles that the prophet Habakkuk experienced in the life of faith – valuable lessons for believers in any age as they work through the problem of evil. A Burden to Be Lifted (1:1) Habakkuk referred to his received message as […]

Expositional Preaching on Narrative Passages

Expositional Preaching on Narrative Passages

Much of Scripture is narrative, that is, the stories or accounts of events. The challenge for the preacher is to make the story relevant for today. There is a need to develop a lesson or lessons from the account with meaning(s) and application(s) for today. Much of Scripture is narrative, that is, the stories or accounts […]

Sermons That Teach Scripture

Sermons That Teach Scripture

Despite a new wave of contemporary church buzzwords like relational, relevant, and intentional, people who show up on Sundays are looking for the same thing, which has long anchored most services: Bible-based in-depth preaching. According to Gallup researcher Lydia Saad, who conducted her poll in 2017, the number one reason Americans go to church today is “Sermons that […]

Preach the Gospel

Preach the Gospel

It is the business of servants of Christ to proclaim the Word of truth to a lost world. But the mere statement of gospel truth, apart from the power of the Holy Spirit, is not likely to bring many results. It is true that God in His sovereignty may use His Word, no matter who […]

Counsel to Gospel Preachers

This is the order of Scripture: The Word of God is proclaimed, heard or read; the Spirit of God convicts the sinner, bringing him to the place where he desires to be saved, and is ready to receive Christ. Believing the gospel, he is justified by faith. Let me give a word to those who […]

Fullness of the Holy Spirit

Fullness of the Holy Spirit

The year of 1871 was a critical one for D. L. Moody. He had been greatly used of God, but felt that something was lacking. He realized more and more how little he was fitted with personal talents for his work and how much he needed the Holy Spirit’s power. He continued to hunger for […]

The Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit

Some people like knives; others like guns; others like bows and arrows. I have a favorite weapon that is extremely effective at close and long range, day or night, in all weather. It can get through any metal detector or x-ray machine. I know! I have taken it with me on all kinds of public […]