Karen Sparks

The Best Gift of All

The Best Gift of All

The very best gift you can ever receiveIsn’t wrapped in bright paper, tucked under a tree.It’s not jewelry, electronics, or some other treasure;It’s a gift with a price that’s too great to measure. Who is it that offers this gift of such cost?It comes from the One who...

Keeping Your Heart Close to God

Keeping Your Heart Close to God

God’s Holy Spirit now lives in your heartTo help you choose what is right.But with frequent temptations to sin,It’s often not God, but ourselves, we delight! In the Bible God gives us warnings,That our heart we should carefully guard.For it’s easy to make wrong...

The Power of Christ’s Resurrection

The Power of Christ’s Resurrection

by Karen Sparks What if Christ had not risen? What if He still lay in the tomb? What if that great, heavy stone Still sealed that cold, dark room? Then faith in Christ would be worthless; Our sins could not be forgiven. Separated from God forever— We’d have no hope of...