No believer would argue that we are responsible for getting the gospel of God’s salvation out to others. For many, this is a great passion of daily life, as it should be. The wrinkle occurs when we ask the question, “Yes, but how?” And sadly, methodology sometimes...
Rick Morse
When the East Wind Blows
Being an avid angler, I have long known the proverb common amongst the piscatorial fraternity which is “Wind from the east, fish bite the least.” I do not think I have ever heard of any science as to why this is, but I know from experience it is true. It comes as no...
Spiritual Gift or Natural Talent?
What is the Difference? “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you to be ignorant.” So, begins the 12th chapter of Paul’s first epistle to the assembly at Corinth, introducing three chapters of timeless essential ministry for Christians everywhere. With the greatest chapter on motives in the Bible as the centerpiece (Chapter 13), […]
Forever: Thoughts on Christ’s Priesthood
Inasmuch as Hebrews draws numerous comparisons between the priesthood of Aaron and that of Christ, numerous questions arise from these comparisons. As an immoveable principle, one must always endeavor to neither go beyond nor fall short of what God has revealed. One question which comes up is this: Will Christ’s priesthood continue after the rapture? […]
Ten Commandments for Bible Study
“Be diligent to present thyself approved to God – a workman irreproachable, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15, Young’s Literal Translation In His wisdom, our God has placed what we might consider three “sentinels” in His Word – one at the beginning, one in the middle, and one at the end (Deut. […]