


As with most ministries, Everyday Publications began not with a business plan or marketing strategy but with a deep burden to reach believers who had a desire to grow in their faith. Gertrud Koppel, a young missionary from the Congo, had worked with a translation team to develop a new Congo Swahili Bible that was […]

Cornerstone Magazine 2020 Financial Report

Cornerstone Magazine 2020 Financial Report

Gifts Received From Individuals $31,317 From Assemblies $9,221 From Foundations, Organizations $15,903 TOTAL Gifts Received $56,441 Expenses Printing $23,669 Layout and Design $1,404 Postage & Shipping $12,111 Website $1,915 Fellowship Gifts for Panelists, Speakers, Etc. $3,983 Bank & PayPal Charges $272 Miscellaneous $292 TOTAL Expenses $43,646 Net Surplus $12,795 All amounts shown in US dollars […]

Report: Voices for Christ

Report: Voices for Christ

Soon after Dwight Beavers trusted Christ as his Savior, he had a desire to collect, copy, and distribute cassette tapes of good Christ-honoring ministry. As a result, in 1972 Voices for Christ began in central North Carolina. Since then, many collections of cassette and reel-to-reel tapes have been donated. Early contributions included: the personal collection […]

Report: The Story of North Atlanta Bible Chapel

Report: The Story of North Atlanta Bible Chapel

North Atlanta Bible Chapel (NABC) was established in the 1940’s as a home church. In the early 1950’s the assembly erected a building and for many years they ministered in the North Druid Hills neighborhood of North Atlanta, GA. In the early 2000’s, the neighborhood transitioned to a more upscale population and little growth was […]

Report: Cornerstone Magazine Webinar Ministry

Report: Cornerstone Magazine Webinar Ministry

On April 13, Cornerstone Magazine introduced its first ever online webinar using video conferencing technology. Due to the country-wide stay at home orders by civil government, people were looking for ways to continue to communicate and stay in touch. Video conferencing has been used for years by business organizations, but it has now been brought […]

Report: Taking the Gospel to the Nations

Report: Taking the Gospel to the Nations

“And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 For close to 45 years brother Ruben Ruga has travelled all over the world, handing out packages of gospel literature. Unfortunately, his health no longer allows him to take these trips. He now solely concentrates […]

Report: Gospel Folio Press

Report: Gospel Folio Press

The Pell family began the ministry of Gospel Folio Press (GFP) in 1923 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. William (Bill) Pell and his sister Grace had the exercise to open a print shop to print gospel tracts for outreach, and Sunday School material to assist those involved with children’s work. They wanted to encourage gospel outreach […]

Report: The Ministry of Life’s Key, United States

Report: The Ministry of Life’s Key, United States

“ proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.” Isa. 61:1 Life’s Key is a prison ministry committed to the Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of providing current and ex-offenders (men and women) an opportunity to study the word of God, and receive spiritual guidance through […]

Report: Cornerstone Magazine Conference “So Great A Salvation”

Report: Cornerstone Magazine Conference “So Great A Salvation”

Cornerstone Magazine convened their first ever conference on a warm Saturday March 30th day at Woodside Chapel in Fanwood, New Jersey. An estimated 110 attendees from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Canada took in the conference whose theme was “So Great Salvation: God’s Sovereignty and Human Responsibility.” The speakers were David Dunlap […]