Christian Living



Have you ever stopped to wonderWhat this life is all about?Why you’re here and where you’re goingWhen your lease of time runs out?Maybe you’ve been far too busyTrying hard to reach your goalWould you let me ask you kindlyHave you thought about your soul? You may reach...

Disdain for Doctrine

Disdain for Doctrine

J. Gresham Machen, a brilliant conservative theologian of the last century lamented on the “modern hostility to doctrine.” It seems that we need to continue this lament today as there is a growing hostility to doctrine and theology. It is fashionable now among many assembly believers—including youth and even elders—to speak ill of doctrine. They […]

The Remedy For Ruin

The Remedy For Ruin

Human history records the rise and fall of many empires. Some kingdoms reigned longer and better than others, but eventually all have crumbled into oblivion. Obviously, God is sovereign over such things, yet, there is an observable pattern of moral decline that, generally speaking, precedes each social collapse. Such was the case of the Southern […]

Back Poem

Back Poem

Low in the Grave He Lay Low in the grave He lay— Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day— Jesus my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He […]

The House of God

The House of God

The biblical concept of the house of God in the Bible is a topic worthy of thoughtful consideration. It is referenced many times in the Scriptures, each one with unique insights into the ways and purposes of God for His people. To understand this principle is to understand and appreciate the care and concern that […]

Preaching From the Poetic Passages of Scripture

Preaching From the Poetic Passages of Scripture

The work of the preacher in preparing a sermon must include an appreciation of the type of literature. In scripture there are narrative or historical accounts, parables, prophecy, teaching, and poetry. The starting point in analysis is exegesis, the explanation or interpretation of the text. Studying and preaching from poetic passages requires an understanding of […]

If We Could See Beyond Today

If We Could See Beyond Today

If we could see beyond today As God can see, If all the clouds should roll away, The shadows flee; O’er present griefs we would not fret, Each sorrow we would soon forget, For many joys are waiting yet For you and me. If we could know beyond today As God doth know, Why dearest […]

Are You Following Christ?

Are You Following Christ?

The book of Acts begins with 120 frightened and powerless believers. But ten days later the promised Holy Spirit came in a demonstration of power (wind) and light (fire). Peter preached the gospel, many were saved, and began to assemble to be taught the Word, fellowship, break bread, and pray. Peter and John continued to […]

Restore the Years the Locust Has Eaten

Restore the Years the Locust Has Eaten

Money can be restored. Property can be restored—broken-down cars, stripped painting, old houses. Relationships can all be restored. But the one thing that can never be restored is time. Time flies by and it does not return. Years pass and we never get them back. Yet God promises the impossible: “I will restore the years […]

May We Introduce… Matt Williams

May We Introduce… Matt Williams

Website Development Matt Williams is a husband, father, entrepreneur, and in fellowship at Tavistock Bible Chapel in Tavistock, Ontario. Recounting his salvation Matt states, “I was saved very early in my childhood and grew slowly and steadily through great Christian influences in my assembly and throughout Southwestern Ontario.” He married his wife Deanna in 2015 […]

The Hope of the Believer

The Hope of the Believer

The apostle Paul in his epistle to the Ephesians gives a true picture of the world we live in when he says, it is without God, without Christ, and without hope. The Lord Jesus in Matthew 24 gives some answers to the question asked by His disciples, “what will be the sign of your coming […]

May We Introduce

May We Introduce

Sarah Bhatt Social Media Manager Sarah Bhatt is Cornerstone Magazine’s new social media manager. It is a position that Cornerstone created recently to raise the magazine’s visibility across various social media platforms. Sarah is currently a sophomore studying public relations at the University of Florida. When not at school, she lives at home in Lutz, […]

Longing to Meet Together

Longing to Meet Together

Longing to Meet Together How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints For the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home, And the swallow a nest for herself, Where she may lay her […]

Why Do People Leave Church?

Why Do People Leave Church?

I have often been asked: “Why do people leave a church?” or more specifically our church. The answer could win one the Christian Nobel Peace Prize, if there were such a thing. Yet, the question is quite valid. I would like to make a few suggestions. First, our...

The Anatomy of A Conversion

The Anatomy of A Conversion

The book of Daniel introduces us to a maniacal despot named Nebuchadnezzar who threatens to cut his opposers into pieces and burn their houses down. But by chapter four we find him declaring the praises of the Most High God. What happened in between?  Phase One: Daniel Lives Out His Convictions  When required to eat […]

The Heart of the Believer

The Heart of the Believer

One of the most important organs in the body is the heart. It has a major role in the health and vitality of our well-being. Its major function is unseen yet it continues to beat every moment from conception to death. A good question to ask is: “What is the condition of your heart?” I […]

A Root of Bitterness

A Root of Bitterness

Everywhere I look across the church landscape, I see Christians seething with bitterness. It seems to be an epidemic, especially among the younger generations. These hurting souls are nursing wrongs, sometimes old, sometimes new, sometimes real, sometimes perceived. Frequently, these wounded believers are not looking for an apology. They have already received one, or two, […]

Where Is Our Focus?

Where Is Our Focus?

The ancient Greek maxim “Know thyself” is elevated to unprecedented heights in this narcissistic age. Numerous social media platforms aid fallen human beings’ self-absorption by advertising their vain self-worth. Sin turns them inward, exalting them to heights...