
Approaching Worship

Approaching Worship

Each Lord’s Day, assemblies of Christians all around the world will be gathered together unto the Lord Jesus Christ, to remember Him in His death and to worship both Father and Son for their unspeakable Gift. In so doing, the New Testament pattern for the gatherings...

Passing The Baton

Passing The Baton

Excitement is building as the eyes of the world will soon be focused on the athletes as they gather in Paris for the XXXIII Summer Olympics. Some athletes, particularly those on the US Men’s and Women’s 4 x 100 relay teams, will not want to repeat the disaster of the...

The Seven Signs of John’s Gospel

The Seven Signs of John’s Gospel

As I was driving up the north shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota, I saw a green road sign pointing to a scenic overlook off the highway. I had driven past that sign for years, but never stopped to see the view. I would even tell others that I saw the sign, yet I...

Wine, A Wedding, and the Universe

Wine, A Wedding, and the Universe

Some time ago while working as an engineer a co-worker asked me, “In light of all the science available, how can an intelligent person like you buy into the creation myth?” He was referring to my belief in the literal biblical account of six twenty-four-hour periods...

When God Remembers

When God Remembers

Many people believe that memory is a key to a satisfying life. Yet as the years go by and we attain more knowledge, we reach a point where we start losing memory cells. Currently, some forms of dementia are at pandemic levels in the general population world-wide. It...

Because He Lives

Because He Lives

The resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Without it, “we are of all men most miserable.” (1 Cor. 15:19). Without the truth of a risen Savior, there would be no empty tomb. If there is no empty tomb, there would be no hope for...

Ressurection Assurances

Ressurection Assurances

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is Christianity’s essential doctrine, establishing and elucidating the rest of the Bible’s teaching regarding God, man, salvation, and the future. 1 Its indispensable value is noted by a Scottish teacher: “Far too often we have been...

Christ Rejected

Christ Rejected

In the book of Hosea and the Gospel of John the love of God was manifested in the face of rejection by His own people. The prophet Hosea, as directed by the voice of God, uses an analogy of unfaithfulness in a marriage relationship – literally between Hosea and an...

What is His Son’s Name?

What is His Son’s Name?

“What is His name and what is His Son’s name, if thou canst tell?” Proverbs 30:4 Some proverbs solve riddles for us, while others present them. Proverbs 30:4 confronts us with an unsolvable riddle, unsolvable until the arrival of the first Christmas. Then like the...

Worship in Spirit & Truth

Worship in Spirit & Truth

John 14:19-26 In this passage we find our Lord instructing us concerning worship, “the Christian’s highest occupation,” to borrow a definition from the title of A. P. Gibb’s classic work on the subject.1Given the fact that we gather for worship each Lord’s Day...

The Gospel-Produced Church

The Gospel-Produced Church

The Bible has been compared to Christ’s seamless garment, which cannot be divided without ruining the whole. God’s truth is unified: truths that are first revealed in the Gospel message are then developed in the principles and practices of the Church. She is “the...