
Approaching Worship

Approaching Worship

Each Lord’s Day, assemblies of Christians all around the world will be gathered together unto the Lord Jesus Christ, to remember Him in His death and to worship both Father and Son for their unspeakable Gift. In so doing, the New Testament pattern for the gatherings...

The Best Gift of All

The Best Gift of All

The very best gift you can ever receiveIsn’t wrapped in bright paper, tucked under a tree.It’s not jewelry, electronics, or some other treasure;It’s a gift with a price that’s too great to measure. Who is it that offers this gift of such cost?It comes from the One who...

Christ Our Peace

Abiding in His Presence

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8 Various times in the Old Testament the pre-incarnate Son of God temporarily visited earth, drawing near to encourage, teach, and commission His servants. For example, the Lord visited Abraham in Mamre (Gen....

News & Notices

News & Notices

Camp Hope Fall Family Conference November 8-10, 20247011 Pony Lake Rd Dahlonega, GA The Fall Family Conference begins Friday at 6:00 pm ending Sunday 1:00 pm. It is a weekend for families to get away and enjoy in-depth teaching from the Word of God and fellowship...